The holidays are upon us and for many that may mean time spent traveling. When you’re on the road it can be easy to skip a brushing or two. So, for the sake of a healthy smile and even happier holidays here are a few tips for maintaining a healthy oral care routine.

Don’t Forget to Pack a Toothbrush!

Or two!! Sometimes being prepared means being prepared to let something go, like your toothbrush. It can be easy to forget to pack your toothbrush when rushing out the hotel door in the morning so it’s always nice to have a spare. You may be able to snag a complimentary one at the next hotel but most likely it will not be as good as the one you left behind.pack-healthy

It’s handy to grab some travel size mouthwash and floss too. This is especially important when you are on the road and won’t have time to brush after every meal or snack. Make sure that they are available at the end of your day. Whether you are at Grandma’s house or in a hotel room, take the time to give your teeth a thorough cleaning before bed

Snack Healthy

Between decadent meals, sweet treats and time spent traveling your teeth can suffer. Eating sugary foods is hard on teeth and even harder when you aren’t able to brush them right away. So instead of grabbing a sugary snack for the drive, switch it up for healthy foods that are more smile friendly. Try packing chopped fruits and veggies and stick with water instead of sugary sodas and juice. It’s also a good idea to keep sugar-free gum handy, as chewing gum can help rid teeth of harmful buildup.

Use Your Time Wisely

A most noteworthy piece of advice is optimizing potty breaks while traveling or visiting family. It can be easy to get carried away in all of the holiday festivities, therefore, it is important to brush your teeth when thebrush-your-teeth opportunity arises. A good rule of thumb is to pack a toothbrush and some toothpaste in your bag. This comes in handy during pit-stops or in-between flights. Use that time in the restroom to give your teeth a brushing, not only will it freshen your breath but it will also help protect your teeth from cavities.

Happy Healthy Holidays!

Besides having a safe and happy Holiday season don’t forget to keep the essentials of a healthy smile at the ready. Use downtime wisely to brush your teeth and snack on healthy fruits and veggies! But above all have a safe and happy holiday season!

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