We are very excited to unveil our new business name and brand, Dentistry at The Ten! We decided to rebrand our Eugene dental practice to better suit both of our dentists, Dr. Molly and Dr. Carly. Since it is no longer just Dr. Molly providing general and cosmetic dentistry to our patients, we needed our brand to include both dentists. With Dr. Carly joining the practice, we felt the “Dr. Molly” brand name was too limiting and a potential confusion. Here’s more behind the scenes of our new look!


Why the name?

We chose the name Dentistry at The Ten to highlight our state-of-the-art dental office in The Ten Coburg building. We also felt the word ‘Ten’ helped capture our commitment to providing the highest quality service. By changing the name of our practice, we hope to better reach our audience and solidify our practice as Eugene’s best general dentist.


Who designed it?

Jason Halstead of Gist Brands worked with us on designing our logo and rebrand. Jason worked on the Dr. Molly brand and we felt since he has such a vast understanding of Dr. Molly’s original vision and what our joint vision is, he’d be the right person for the job. Our website designer at Hatchbytes then took the vision of the rebrand and incorporated it into our new website that we have now.


Photo by: Jason Halstead of Gist Brands

What is it trying to say?

Overall, we wanted our rebrand to highlight what makes our dental office different than other dentists here in Eugene. So, here are the characteristics of our dental practice that we feel our rebrand embodies:

-Positive, energetic, and welcoming environment



-Emphasis on quality

-Classically stylish and appearance-aware


What is the Tone/Feel?

We wanted the brand to ‘feel’ inviting while also establishing a sense of results. Here are the overall tones our brand is working to accomplish:

-Stylish and healthy

-Cosmetic and confidence, with quality of life


-Lifestyle category-appropriate, but not too “spa” or soft

-Feminine appeal, but still welcoming to male patients


While our name and logo are changing, rest easy that nothing else about your patient experience or care will be touched. And thanks, as always, for your business and for your referrals. We are looking forward to see where this rebrand will take us!

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